Monday, May 27, 2013


Geeks and nerds have become rather trendy, but I've always been unashamedly geeky about the entertainment world.  I'm not complaining about the rise in popularity since more people are feeling comfortable to proudly let their nerd flag fly.

I've had random blogs over the years, but I really want to focus and publicly share my writing and observations.  There will be squeeing and fangirling, but that makes it all the more fun!  I'm definitely into typical geek culture like the Whedonverse, conventions, figure collecting, and cult TV, but I will certainly be geeking out over more topics than that.  I like to think that I have a diverse palate.

I figured the best way to introduce myself is to share some incredibly random tidbits about how mass media has played a part throughout my life.  I don't want to ruin too much for future postings!

1.  My very first poster was Michael J. Fox.  I would weep if I ever met the man.  My second poster was John Stamos with a mullet.  I have met the man three times and shown him my tongue ring upon request.

2.  I talk really quickly in part because of Six LeMeure from Blossom.

3.  I used to listen to TV theme song CDs in the car.  You never feel cooler than when you're singing the Diff'rent Strokes and It's A Living themes at the top of your lungs.  But nothing beats Perfect Strangers...nothing.

4.  Boy-Crazy Stacey is still one of my all time favorite books.  I named my phone Stacey McGill.  Happily, it hasn't done anything to annoy me otherwise I would have to yell "Anastasia Elizabeth McGill!!" at it.

5.  Rocky Horror Picture Show briefly freaked me out when I was 14.  After I finally got over my dumbass reaction, I became obsessed with drag, lipstick, and fishnets.

6.  I've seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade at least 300 times.  I know every last line and music cue.    Sometimes I get through the work day by playing entire scenes in my head.  That scene from Family Guy with Peter humming the opening train sequence?  Me. Me. ME.

7.  My husband is a gamer, and yet I still beat his ass at Tetris every time.  I can pack a mini grocery cart within an inch of its life, and I have to credit hours on the Game Boy in the early 90s for that useless skill.

8.  Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead motivates me to clean the house every time I watch it.  Every. time.

9.  My mom took me to see Pulp Fiction after I begged for weeks.  I was 14.  She swore child protective services would be coming for her after we left the theatre.

10.  I used to see Aerosmith every 4 years: '94 (first concert ever), '98, '02, '06.  I guess I got distracted these last few years.

11.  I've never seen all of Back to the Future III despite being obsessed with the first two movies.

12.  I go to thrift stores and track down books I used to read in my late childhood/early preteen years.  I practically turn cartwheels when I find copies with the exact same cover artwork and layout that I remember.

13.  During New Years Eve '06, my best friends and I were driving around trying to find something to do.  "500 Miles" by The Proclaimers came on, and we sang the shit out of that.  Next month, How I Met Your Mother had a plotline with Ted and Marshall singing that repeatedly in the car.  Amazing and a little freaky at the time.

14.  I emulated Rachel Green's outfits in the early years of Friends, and I'd be happy dressing like that forever.  And she wasn't even my favorite Friend! (that would be Bing-a-ling)

15.  I had a suicidal turtle named Agador Spartacus when I was 16.  He was happiest when he could crawl in my heels and check his face out in the mirror.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great idea for a blog!

    I am proud to be a fangirl too! I love that when I feel down a show, movie, music,... can cheer me up. :)
