- 1:What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
Consistent exercise plus smoothies. Sounds ridiculously simple, but it was life changing! - 2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't remember them all, but the main one was to lose weight and change my health. And I did! That will pretty much keep going into next year. - 3:Did anyone close to you give birth?
Sure did! My dear friend J had his first baby (girl) on September 17, and "bester" D had her second baby boy on October 24. Beautiful children! My husband also gained a new little cousin on November 26. And of course, there were plenty of births on Facebook. ;-) - 4:Did anyone close to you die?
My "person" D lost her beloved MomMom in June, and that really saddened me. Such a wonderful woman whom I was privileged to know for over 20 years. I have another good friend who went through quite a bit of loss, and my heart hurts for her. - 5:What countries did you visit?
I have never left the US. I don't even have a passport yet! - 6:What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013
A million dollars. ;-) - 7:What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 28 for being our first wedding anniversary (and the day we were introduced to Shake Shack and The Meatball Shop, HA.)
September 17 and October 24 for the babies
October 1 for the day everything changed at work
October 26 for our epic Game of Throne party, November 25 for officially launching my husband's Etsy shop, December 11 for the day we saw/met Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellan after Waiting for Godot. - There were many more memorable days....but my memory's turning into swiss cheese, and I never remember much about the beginning of the year aside from my husband's birthday and Monster Mania.
- 8:What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Losing 41 pounds and changing my eating/exercise lifestyle. Climbing a more difficult rock wall. Jogging 2 miles without pausing. Lots of therapy breakthroughs. - 9:What was your biggest failure?
Allowing anxiety to smother me at points. - 10:Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had vertigo on NYE and once again in March. The March episode took me to the ER. I was diagnosed with benign positional vertigo that will only need to be treated with therapy if it happens again. Knock wood, it hasn't.
I also had to go to a sleep doctor to work out night terrors. I know stress does not medically cause these two things, but it sure as hell exacerbates both! - 11:What was the best thing you bought?
My new back tattoo- "Lady Peaceful" from the Cabaret song Maybe This Time.
Tickets to the three shows we saw this year: Jekyll & Hyde (SUCKED, but was so worth it to see the overacting of Connie), Rocky Horror (need I explain? And Kevin Cahoon!!), and Waiting for Godot (otherwise known as Sirsday). Meeting Danielle Harris was awesome, as was getting my picture with the Ghostbusters Ecto-1 car and Ernie Hudson.
I also love every single Pop Figure we accumulated and can't wait to finish off the Lannister family! My Asics are the best. Oh, and these jeans from Torrid have really been amazing in the weight loss journey. - 12:Whose behavior merited celebration?
My husband and best friends. All the people in my grandmother's life who take her to appointments and church and drop food off for her...they'll never fully know just how grateful I am for their kindness. - 13:Whose behavior made you appalled?
Not naming names, but two people in my best friends lives make me want to beat the everlovin' crap out of them. - 14:Where did most of your money go?
New HVAC system, water heater, and car. Otherwise, food, bills....we were even good at cons this year. - 15:What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Really really really?? Finding out that Cabaret and Hedwig are coming back to NYC theatre in 2014. Then I got really really really sad over what this will do to my credit. I also got really really really excited when my husband illustrated two children's books that are available on Amazon. :-) - 16:What song will always remind you of 2013?
Anything Macklemore
Everybody (Backstreet's Back)- BSB
Bad Girls- M.I.A.
I Love It- Icona Pop
Dancing On My Own- Robyn
Cannonball- The Breeders
Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus
Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae Jepsen
Applause- Lady Gaga
Get Lucky- Daft Punk
Bound 2- Kanye West - 17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
(A) Happier
(B) Thinner
(C) About the same - 18:What do you wish you’d done more of?
READ. A big resolution is to grab a stack of my books and read every single one of them this year. I bet I have a total of two completely unread bookcases.
I know it sounds weird, but I wish I watched more TV. I just don't have the time, and I have the attention span of a gnat anymore. If it's an hour long show, it HAS to be a short season otherwise I'm going to blow it off. I'm loving how a lot of shows are midseason blocks and not stretched out all year. - 19:What do you wish you’d done less of?
Sit on my ass. I started doing that less when fall came around, but that was an awfully long time to be stuck in my Sheldon Cooper spot on the couch. - 20:How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas Eve with his mom's side, picked up my grandmother and had her over for Christmas Day. Cooked, watched some movies, took her home. Very simple! - 21:Did you fall in love in 2013?
I've been in love since 2008. :-) - 22:What was your favorite TV program?
The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, Girls, American Horror Story, How I Met Your Mother, 2 Broke Girls, New Girl, The Mindy Project, Orange Is the New Black, L&O: SVU. I enjoy The Goldbergs as well- local shoutouts like whoa! I'm loving Breaking Bad as well, but I haven't finished yet (shhh). - 23:Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Hate is a really strong word. I have extreme dislike towards some people, but I feel sad that they choose to behave the way they do. - 24:What was the best book you read?
Loving A Song Of Ice & Fire (Game of Thrones) series, though it's taking me forever to get through them. I loved The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding (and not just because she's my friend-- musical theatre YA lovers need to snatch this up ASAP). I've been so immersed in ASOIAF that I completely forget what else I read this year....see, I told you I need to read like a maniac again! - 25:What was your greatest musical discovery?
Macklemore was the main "discovery." I also loved Icona Pop's album and have to admit that Miley Cyrus really does have an excellent pop voice. I like that song by Lorde as well, she has an interesting sound. Didn't "discover" too much new stuff this year. I also liked the Rains of Castamere. ;-) - 26:What did you want and get?
Better health insurance next year. - 27:What did you want and not get?
Something else involving my job that I'm not going to share. But at least I have benefits. - 28:What was your favorite film of this year?
I really think it was This Is the End. I LOVED that movie. Much Ado About Nothing was sublime. I also loved The To-Do List- surprising turn from Aubrey Plaza and an amazing 1993 setting. I really enjoyed Catching Fire and Mama, and I want to see Don Jon, Spring Breakers, Saving Mr Banks, Frozen, and American Hustle. - 29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Reuniting with my mother's best friend in the spring. I missed her more than words can say. - 30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
Whatever fits at the moment? I've been in-between sizes a lot and it's hard. However, once a nip comes back in the air, I'm always in a skirt, tights, pendant, and boots. Now that I'm so cold all the time, I've been adding sweaters. - 31:What kept you sane?
My husband and friends. - 32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, HELLO!!!! And Adam Driver. Two vastly different men and actors on HBO that make my pants very happy. Oh hell, Alexis Denisof made his way back into the picture as well. Ok fine, James Franco was still in the mix. Damn his constant Instagram-ing - 33:What political issue stirred you the most?
Anything involving women's/reproductive rights, gay marriage, gun control, celebrities running their ignorant mouths, and basic human civil rights. - 34:Who did you miss?
I always miss my mom, but I'm at peace with it. - 35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
Goes for any year: "Breathe. Feel. Love. Give. Free." (Hedwig and the Angry Inch) - 36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again." - (Bonus: Watch this, and I dare you not to smile.)
Sunday, December 29, 2013
2013 year wrap up
Sunday, November 17, 2013
And now, Your Daily Sexy...Adam Driver
I just had a fabulous jog today (if I may toot my own horn, it was a personal best), so naturally my mind wandered towards the Girls episode when Adam was trying to get Hannah to start regularly running with him.
Here's an example of how I normally am in regards to exercise.
Here's an example of how I normally am in regards to exercise.
At least she had something lovely to run towards. I have sunny yellow walls and a muted TV at my gym.
Let's celebrate Adam Driver's unique brand of sexiness with a couple pictures from his athletic GQ editorial. And let's give me a round of applause for my continuous jogging without a cut half naked man to encourage me.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
And now, your Daily Sexy...Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
You long haired angel. I bet you smell like Drakkar.
Friday, November 15, 2013
And now, your Daily Sexy... Adam Levine
I was chatting tonight with my best friend who's like a sister to me. (from this point forward, she will be known as my "bester," and you should check out her blog.) While joking about giving her "your daily sexy news," I realized that every day should have a dose of sexy. Whether you're having a crappy day or an awesome day, it's always nice to click on a very attractive picture. Now, I know everyone's tastes may vary, but I think I'm pretty well rounded with my aesthetic preferences. And hey, you might see someone you never thought much of in a new light!
In homage to Jon Stewart's "moment of zen," here is your Daily Sexy:
The rumor is that Adam Levine is going to be revealed as People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive next week. I dedicate the debut of this new blog feature to my bester and her lust for that damn fine wiry tattooed singer.
In homage to Jon Stewart's "moment of zen," here is your Daily Sexy:
The rumor is that Adam Levine is going to be revealed as People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive next week. I dedicate the debut of this new blog feature to my bester and her lust for that damn fine wiry tattooed singer.
Yes, please.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
"Stay sane inside insanity"
We went to see the final midnight performance of The Rocky Horror Show at the Bucks County Playhouse last night. I couldn't pass this up as there was a Broadway cast and production team, notably Kevin Cahoon as Frank-N-Furter.
Cahoon (or as I lovingly call him, Cahooooon) is one of my favorite theatre actors, and he was my very first live Frank on Broadway back in 2001. I've met him a few times over the years as I went to see a bunch of his shows and gigs (his CD? Sublime neo glam rock- buy it!), and he's always been a sweetheart. Even though it was nearly 2 am, he stopped to chat with fans after the show (with a box of his dressing room supplies under his arm), and he was floored to hear he was my first Frank. 12 years...my god, where does the time go? I've seen him twice now, Terrence Mann once, and a local actor at the Playhouse back in 2003.
It's interesting that I've only seen Rocky Horror live four times considering it's one of my all time favorite musicals. Yet, I've only seen Hedwig and the Angry Inch live once, and that show is practically my lifeline. I saw the 1998 revival of Cabaret 45 times up through its closing performance on January 4, 2004. I can't just go see any old performance of that show because the Sam Mendes production is just too close to my heart. It's a big deal that I can watch the movie to perfect my Liza impression (let's face it, she would be my drag personality). My most recent tattoo that I got in July is "Lady Peaceful" in-between my shoulder blades. Those are the lyrics from the Cabaret song "Maybe This Time" that I've been striving for since 2001. I found this peace with my husband.
Hunter Foster directed this production of Rocky, and he tweeted last night that the show may not be over. This is pretty fantastic as I am all about Cahoon looking gorgeous in makeup 8 times a week.
...And now. My god, does he age?!
This also presents a really interesting quandry. My trifecta of shows could very possibly be in New York City at the same time in 2014.
Cabaret is going to be revived with Alan Cumming.
Hedwig is debuting on Broadway with Neil Patrick Harris.
Rocky Horror could very well find a stage with Kevin Cahoon.
If you know me at all, you know that my head is exploding right now and my credit card statements are going to be weeping.
I wrote about Hedwig back when the press release came out, but I haven't written about Cabaret at all on here. I have old (locked) potentially embarrassing livejournal entries all about the show and my 45 times going. I started going in October 2000 when Matt McGrath was the Emcee and Lea Thompson was Sally Bowles, and I saw every Emcee and almost every Sally from that point forward. I also saw plenty of other shows (sometimes in multiples) during that time and beyond. Hey, I introduced lots of friends to Cabaret, and some of them even saw it multiple times since they enjoyed it so much! I have been asked if it was boring seeing the same show so many times, and I have to emphasize is that it was never the same show. Every actor brought something so different and special to the Emcee, Sally, Cliff, Fraulein Schneider, Herr Schultz, Fraulein Kost, Herr Ludwig, and all the Kit Kat boys and girls. I can't pinpoint which shows were my favorite right now, but that sounds like a fun topic for the future!
It took awhile for me to get over the fact that Cabaret was out of my life. I enjoyed going to Assassins at Studio 54 in spring 2004 because the stage and seating were still set up like the Kit Kat Klub. They renovated to standard seating shortly thereafter, and I didn't see a show at that theatre until the Assassins reunion concert in December 2012. There were still so many wonderful pieces of the theatre that hadn't changed a bit. It felt like coming home in a strange way.
I was both thrilled and wary when I heard that the show was being revived with Alan Cumming. Why couldn't they have just kept the show running until he was available and willing to play the final months? Why revive the same production after 10 years? However, it was a bit of a relief when the show closed because I wouldn't have to feel that strange sense of fan obligation to keep seeing all the casts. Money was getting tight, and I had to start growing up. Plus, I didn't want the show to become stale like others that had been running for so long. It's been a long time since my crush/obsession over Alan Cumming, but my husband and I saw him in his one man show of Macbeth at Lincoln Center in July 2012, and it reminded me of what a brilliant actor he is and how good he still looks. Of course I want to see his iconic performance! I can see at this point that he will do it out of a true love and passion for the material. It will be sad not to have the sadly deceased Natasha Richardson back as Sally, but it appears that the rest of the cast will be new to Cabaret.
These girls work their asses off.
I worry a bit that my precious memories will be tainted, but I don't think that will really be possible considering it's going to be a near carbon copy of the previous revival. I'm excited to take my husband to the show that meant the world to me for years and got me through so many rough times. However, the timing just feels so weird...everything I love is suddenly coming back after 10 years. I finally got the Cabaret tattoo, and then all the revival news began. It's going to be amazing but it's not going to be the same. I can only see Cabaret and Hedwig once, especially because we're paying for two excellent tickets for each performance, and the train fares went up, and we have bills to pay...etc.
My life is completely different from the last time I saw these shows. I was a morose single retail bitch who was taking care of her chronically ill parents. Both parents have since passed, and I'm married to the best man in the world and actually in a grownup job. The majority of my friends have married and started having kids. I've met new people since the shows ended that have become some of my closest friends. I'm still in contact with friends I met through Cabaret and other actor fandoms and consider them to be some of my dearest friends. I know this is a wonderful walk down memory lane that I finally get to share with my husband. He just saw Rocky Horror and will be seeing Cabaret and Hedwig next year. I just wish I could put my finger on why it's just so surreal for me.
Last night, I was trying to put together an outfit, and I had to keep taking it down a few notches. Bright or super deep red lipstick got immediately wiped off, black eyeliner wasn't even considered thanks to always wearing glasses, glitter would just accentuate the lines around my eyes, and the one studded bracelet I found had to go on the wrist that wouldn't clash with my wedding ring. I didn't have any nail polish or earrings on, my necklace was tasteful retro, and I felt like I had to add some definition to my mod dress with an zebra belt. The edgiest thing about my outfit was the crimson fishnets and vinyl boots, and even they were fit well and had sensible fuzzy socks hidden for comfort. Every time I tried to add something "dark" or "weird," I would just look at myself disgustedly and rip it off. The thing is, I barely have any "dark" or "weird" clothes, accessories, or makeup anymore. I suddenly want to wear things that are cute but complimentary. I don't want to do things just because other people are doing so. I couldn't even finish one drink with our late night pre-show dinner. And for the record, after 5 1/2 years, that was the latest we'd ever begun a night out.
I'm not old. I'm going to be 33 in a few weeks. But that means I've been in a new demographic for awhile, and I didn't fully realize it till last night. I've never felt so old when going to a show. I was never so grateful for daylight savings time as I was today. We stayed in bed for half the day. I used to have four strong drinks at Studio 54 during a two show day and still go out with friends after. I wore whatever I wanted. I did whatever I wanted during city days. I didn't care if I was less functional at work the next day.
I have a life now that's not all about my needs. I am married and make decisions with somebody else and have a 9-5 job and go through all the ups and downs of being a homeowner. I'm also pretty damn lucky that my husband is so interested in the shows I love and wanting to get to know more about that part of me. He listens to my stories and watches some clips or videos with me and even investigates shows on his own. We make these city trips special now. We are still pretty young, but we also know our limits. Seeing Cabaret from front orchestra table seats and Hedwig close enough to potentially get a "car wash" are special events that we will talk about for years but not make the focus of our lives.
It's ok to still love and reminisce about the memories, and it's fun to make new ones. It's ok to still be a fangirl and hold all this close to my heart. But it's also ok to keep moving on with my life and knowing that while these moments have been impactful, becoming Lady Peaceful was the most transcendent moment of all.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
F#@k, Marry, Kill Challenge
Buzzfeed posted an article described as "the 10 most heated debates you and your best friends will EVER HAVE," or 10 Sexually Frustrating Rounds of F#@k, Marry, Kill. Hmm. Challenge accepted, Buzzfeed!
I got my hubs to join in for the females, but I'm taking the whole damn quiz. Why not! Comment away with your answers.
1. Ryan Gosling
Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Kwanten
Who the hell is Kwanten? I don't even feel like googling that, and his face is not pleasing me.
F#@k Reynolds, Marry Gosling, Kill Kwanten
2. Jessica Alba
Jessica Biel
Jessica Chastain
This was a no-brainer for me.
Me: F#@k Alba, Marry Chastain, Kill Biel
Hubs: Same
3. Jon Hamm
John Krasinski
John Stamos
Another no-brainer, though I really do like Jon Hamm quite a bit....just not as much as those two.
F#@k Stamos, Marry Krasinski, Kill Hamm
4. Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lopez
Not too into this one. Pretty easy, though.
Me: F#@k Lopez, Marry Lawrence, Kill Hudson
Hubs: F#@k Hudson, Marry Lawrence, Kill Lopez
5. Michael B. Jordan
Michael Fassbender
Michael Cera
This was trickier....I haven't been as much of a Cera fan lately, and Jordan seemed sweet after googling.
F#@k Fassbender, Marry Jordan, Kill Cera (Sorry George Michael)
6. Rachel McAdams
Rachel Bilson
Rachel Weisz
Hubs had to think about this one.
Me: F#@k Weisz, Marry McAdams, Kill Bilson (Sorry Summer)
Hubs: Same
7. Adam Levine
Adam Scott
Adam Brody
Paging my bestie! It's Adam Squared! (Levine and Scott)
This was a ridiculously tough one for me. I knew who I was going to marry, but I pondered the other two all afternoon. I did research on Google images to see what I was attracted to fastest. I had to think about who would be more generous in bed. With a heavy heart, I present my answer.
F#@k Levine, Marry Scott, Kill Brody (SORRY SETH COHEN! SOB)
8. Kate Hudson
Kate Winslet
Katy Perry
Easy peasy.
Me: F#@k Perry, Marry Winslet, Kill Hudson
Hubs: Same
9. Hugh Dancy
Hugh Grant
Hugh Jackman
Bitch, please. EASY.
F#@k Grant, Marry Jackman, Kill Dancy
10. Kelly Rowland
Michelle Williams
Destiny's Child? REALLY?
Me: F#@k Beyonce, Marry Michelle, kill Kelly
Hubs: Kill myself
I got my hubs to join in for the females, but I'm taking the whole damn quiz. Why not! Comment away with your answers.
1. Ryan Gosling
Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Kwanten
Who the hell is Kwanten? I don't even feel like googling that, and his face is not pleasing me.
F#@k Reynolds, Marry Gosling, Kill Kwanten
2. Jessica Alba
Jessica Biel
Jessica Chastain
This was a no-brainer for me.
Me: F#@k Alba, Marry Chastain, Kill Biel
Hubs: Same
3. Jon Hamm
John Krasinski
John Stamos
Another no-brainer, though I really do like Jon Hamm quite a bit....just not as much as those two.
F#@k Stamos, Marry Krasinski, Kill Hamm
4. Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lopez
Not too into this one. Pretty easy, though.
Me: F#@k Lopez, Marry Lawrence, Kill Hudson
Hubs: F#@k Hudson, Marry Lawrence, Kill Lopez
5. Michael B. Jordan
Michael Fassbender
Michael Cera
This was trickier....I haven't been as much of a Cera fan lately, and Jordan seemed sweet after googling.
F#@k Fassbender, Marry Jordan, Kill Cera (Sorry George Michael)
6. Rachel McAdams
Rachel Bilson
Rachel Weisz
Hubs had to think about this one.
Me: F#@k Weisz, Marry McAdams, Kill Bilson (Sorry Summer)
Hubs: Same
7. Adam Levine
Adam Scott
Adam Brody
Paging my bestie! It's Adam Squared! (Levine and Scott)
This was a ridiculously tough one for me. I knew who I was going to marry, but I pondered the other two all afternoon. I did research on Google images to see what I was attracted to fastest. I had to think about who would be more generous in bed. With a heavy heart, I present my answer.
F#@k Levine, Marry Scott, Kill Brody (SORRY SETH COHEN! SOB)
8. Kate Hudson
Kate Winslet
Katy Perry
Easy peasy.
Me: F#@k Perry, Marry Winslet, Kill Hudson
Hubs: Same
9. Hugh Dancy
Hugh Grant
Hugh Jackman
Bitch, please. EASY.
F#@k Grant, Marry Jackman, Kill Dancy
10. Kelly Rowland
Michelle Williams
Destiny's Child? REALLY?
Me: F#@k Beyonce, Marry Michelle, kill Kelly
Hubs: Kill myself
Monday, June 17, 2013
Neil Patrick Harris. Hedwig. JOY.
The big news in theatre today is that Neil Patrick Harris is going to star in the first Broadway production of the rock musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch in spring 2014.

NPH as the Emcee in Cabaret.
Look at those lips. Just imagine them in thick Cookie Puss lipstick (below) speaking in a German accent again.
Pretty much all of my theatre fan friends are collectively losing their shit. I got tagged in a Facebook post, and when I clicked on the link, I audibly gasped at my desk and almost sucked the air out of the room. I almost danced around my office with flailing glee, which is something I haven't done since I saw Assassins was having a one night reunion concert last year. Hey, NPH was in that show as well! And did I mention that he was off book for the reunion after one weekend of rehearsal?
I haven't really seen much negativity towards this news, but I'm sure it's out there. The collective flailing is just overshadowing that right now. This production is going to begin after How I Met Your Mother ends for good. It's pretty awesome that NPH is already giving us something to look forward to. Barney Stinson and Hedwig Robinson are two incredibly different characters, and I'm so glad that he's proving his range once again. His Broadway stints were mostly before HIMYM, and I'm privileged to have seen him in Cabaret 4 times and in Assassins 3 times. He also did the LA tour stop of Rent, the London production of tick...Tick...Boom!, Proof, and the Sweeney Todd and Company concerts.
Let's examine why NPH will rock the hell out of Miss Hedwig:
Look at John Cameron Mitchell. Now look at NPH.

Two beautiful men with defined features and wry smirks who can rock blonde hair. We can abbreviate their names with a triple letter acronym and refer to them as such! JCM is the genius who created, wrote, and portrayed Hedwig. He performed the show off-Broadway at the Jane Street Theatre and wrote, directed, and starred in the 2001 movie version. Hedwig was supposed to recently come to Broadway with JCM starring, but that production never happened. I was just thinking about what happened to that rumor a couple days ago, and I was treated to this news today.
They both look beautiful in makeup and are unafraid to embrace the glam.
JCM with the composer Stephen Trask

NPH as the Emcee in Cabaret.
Look at those lips. Just imagine them in thick Cookie Puss lipstick (below) speaking in a German accent again.
Think of the score. I can envision him singing half the score already. I can actually close my eyes and imagine the spin he'll put on the songs. That is proof of his distinctive voice. His diction is absolutely impeccable, even with an accent. Yet, the melody is never stilted or boring. His tenor is clear and soaring, and he builds emotion beautifully. Can you imagine him singing "The Origin Of Love" or "Wig In a Box"? Oh my goodness, I already have chills.
He may not have had a lot of experience in rock musicals, with the exception of Rent, but I still think he's going to pull off the harder rock songs like "Angry Inch" and "Exquisite Corpse." Have you seen do random musical numbers on award shows? Did you see him sing AC/DC on HIMYM? I believe he will embrace the rock just fine, and I'm sure he'll give a fantastic "car wash." His evolution in the final numbers is going to be insane. Hedwig may be the most genuine punk rock musical out there, but it's still rife with emotion and character growth.
Remember, the stage version is a one-woman show. He hosts almost every award show now, and he broke the fourth wall with the audience as the Emcee in Cabaret 8 times a week in 2003. NPH has plenty of experience in commanding a stage and wooing an audience. He's very funny and is excellent at improvising and playing off an audience vibe.
I always dreamed of seeing JCM and his successors Michael Cerveris, Kevin Cahoon, and Matt McGrath as Hedwig, but I think that this choice is even better. This is a chance for more people to be exposed to the beauty and perfection that is Hedwig and the Angry Inch. This is a chance for NPH to show his true acting chops once Barney leaves our weekly DVR schedule. This is the chance for a household name to tell Hedwig's story. This is the time to rediscover and acclaim a beautiful transgender musical.
It is clear that I must find my other half. But is it a he or a she?
What does this person look like? Identical to me? Or somehow complementary?
What does this person look like? Identical to me? Or somehow complementary?
Does my other half have what I don't? Did he get the looks? The luck? The love?
Were we really separated forceably or did he just run off with the good stuff? Or did I?
Will this person embarrass me? What about sex? Is that how we put ourselves back together again?
Were we really separated forceably or did he just run off with the good stuff? Or did I?
Will this person embarrass me? What about sex? Is that how we put ourselves back together again?
Or can two people actually become one again?
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Father's Day: 5 Best TV Dads
So, ridiculously long story short, I lost both my father and stepfather at young ages and never had a strong male influence in my life. Any other male family members were older and all died when I was young. I watched a lot of television growing up and was always fascinated by the father-daughter dynamics portrayed. It affects me greatly to see an amazing father on television because I never really got to experience anything like that. I thought it would be nice for Father's Day to celebrate those wonderful (albeit fictional) TV dads that I absolutely love and sometimes watch with tears in my eyes. In a weird way, they have been there for me.
Giles wasn't actually Buffy's father, but he was the closest thing she had for a long time. As a Watcher, he was supposed to guide, but not protect, in her Slayer journey. He was fired from the Watchers Council after saving Buffy from the test they forced her to endure on her 18th birthday. Her birth father bailed on taking her to the ice show, but she found out who truly loved her that day. And any Giles fan knows the best episode is "Band Candy" where he and her mother Joyce become teenagers again. On the top of a police car. Twice.
Giles wasn't actually Buffy's father, but he was the closest thing she had for a long time. As a Watcher, he was supposed to guide, but not protect, in her Slayer journey. He was fired from the Watchers Council after saving Buffy from the test they forced her to endure on her 18th birthday. Her birth father bailed on taking her to the ice show, but she found out who truly loved her that day. And any Giles fan knows the best episode is "Band Candy" where he and her mother Joyce become teenagers again. On the top of a police car. Twice.
Buffy: "Does it
ever get easy?"
Giles: "You mean life?"
Buffy: "Yeah. Does it get easy?"
Giles: "What do you want me to say?"
Buffy: "Lie to me."
Giles: "Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after."
Buffy: "Liar."
Giles: "You mean life?"
Buffy: "Yeah. Does it get easy?"
Giles: "What do you want me to say?"
Buffy: "Lie to me."
Giles: "Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after."
Buffy: "Liar."
This is his song "Standing" from the musical episode "Once More With Feeling." Sing it, Tony Head. Sigh. It represents everything about their relationship and how he needs to leave so she can continue growing up and being strong. Well, it's a little more complicated than that in the Buffy world, but still. TEARS EVERY TIME. Wish I could embed the actual clip, but here's the link if you wish to watch.
5. Phil Dunphy (Modern Family)
Oh Phil. Phil, Phil, Phil. Phil Dunphy is the self-proclaimed "cool dad" who is really the most overeager nerd. He's so adorable, and Ty Burrell plays the oblivion so beautifully. Phil just wants everyone to be a big happy best friend family. He tries so hard, and it's so endearing. He has such a great relationship with his dad and desperately tries for his father-in-law to accept him.
"I'm cool dad, that's my thang. I'm hip, I surf the web, I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my god, WTF: why the face."
As the seasons go on, you see a more serious side slip out now and then, and he had some beautiful scenes with his children this past season.
I absolutely loved this one with him and Haley because he was just fuming with frustration and anger, and that's something rarely seen. It's also something that Haley needed to see.
4. Sandy Cohen (The O.C.)
The funny thing is that I didn't like Peter Gallagher when I first started watching The O.C. I don't even think I was done the second episode before saying OMGSANDYCOHENFOREVER. Sandy Cohen may be the most warm, welcoming, and understanding father on TV. He just rolls with the soap opera drama that goes on around the Cohen-Atwood-Cooper-Nichols abodes, and that can't be easy to do. He and his wife Kirsten have a loving relationship that's not often threatened, and they work on any problems that arise. His snarky rapport with his son Seth is amazing, and he takes in Ryan (kid from the wrong side of the tracks in Chino) and welcomes him as one of his own.
"Since the minute you were born, I knew I would never take another easy breath without knowing that you were all right."
Ok, after watching this clip of Seth and Sandy having "the talk," I want to marathon Season 1 all over again. Such amazing TV. I am literally laughing out loud. If this doesn't sum up why he's one of the best, I don't know what will.
Ok, maybe the art of schmearing a bagel. I really can't leave that out.
3. Jonathan Kent (Smallville)
Oh, Papa Kent. The human man who’s truly a
father to Clark Kent traditionally dies in the Superman legend. This should have been no surprise on Smallville, but normally, we see older
versions of Ma & Pa Kent. Smallville showed us good looking middle-aged versions of Jonathan and Martha
Kent raising Clark as a teenager. I fell
in love with Papa Kent (my term) and his loving, hard working ethic. In any other hands, this role could have been overly earnest and a bit cheesy, but John Schneider gave it a goldenly rugged charm with a sense of humor. I might have gone a bit giddy and started calling him Ryan Seacrest's father (not an insult in my world, love the Ry) and then had the best experience with him at Comic Con where I have the biggest squee smile ever on my face in our picture. Might have. I'm not exactly a Dukes of Hazzard fan, but I'm just truly in love with his Papa Kent. There are no words. He's just SUCH a good father and husband, up through his fateful day.
Jonathan: "Clark, your mother and I both know that you are gonna save a lot of lives in this world, even more than you have any idea."
Clark: "The only life I'm interested in saving is yours."
Jonathan: "Clark, your mother and I both know that you are gonna save a lot of lives in this world, even more than you have any idea."
Clark: "The only life I'm interested in saving is yours."
Jonathan: "You do. You save my life every day that you're with us. And we wouldn't trade that for a single moment without you."
I’m not big on fan videos, but I think this one
is really well done.
2. Keith Mars (Veronica Mars)
Keith Mars is a newly single dad, former sheriff, and current PI. He and Veronica are the black sheep of the town for awhile, and she helps him with his cases, oftentimes against his wishes. Keith treats his daughter like a mature individual, but he's also right there for her whenever she needs her dad. He gives her privacy but stays involved and up-to-date on her life. Yet, he's not afraid to activate that GPS tracker or any other gadget if he feels something's wrong. It seems intrusive, but his instincts were usually correct. Veronica may be mature, but she's still a teenager for the first half of the series. He has put his life on the line in many ways for his daughter, and they have a loving and fun relationship despite all the crazy noir going on around them in Neptune.
In the pilot, there's a "who's your Daddy" moment that only he can get away with without getting punched. He knows it drives Veronica crazy, and it just makes it all the more fun for him. I can't embed it, so here you go. That clip shows Kristen Bell and Enrico Colantoni's chemistry from day one. The video below shows a moment from season 3 where they have dinner with Logan for the first time. Logan had a messed up celebrity family life, and you see the wistful happiness on his face as he watches Keith and Veronica banter.
1. Dan Conner (Roseanne)
It's pretty obvious that everyone listed have been from shows airing from the late 90s through the present. I watched tons of family sitcoms as a kid (Full House, The Cosby Show, Growing Pains, The Wonder Years, Fresh Prince, Blossom, Family Matters, Boy Meets World), but none of those fathers stuck out for me as strongly as Dan Conner.
I grew up in a working class house, and Dan Conner was everything I wanted in a father. He persevered despite his limitations in education and skills. He provided for his family and just wanted a hot meal, cold beer, and the game on in return. He loved his children and tried to spend time with them. It was harder for him if they didn't have anything in common, but he never ignored them. He loved his wife and found her desirable no matter what. He was goofy and funny but his temper would immediately go into protective mode if his loved ones were threatened in any way. He never harmed his family, but say your prayers if you tried to hurt them. He was far from perfect, and he knew it, but it never stopped him from being a devoted father and husband. The show was very realistic until the last season, almost gritty for a situation comedy, and John Goodman's performance was sublime. I cry during the last episode without fail.
"Remember our family motto: We're Conners, we gotta eat."
Dan beats up Jackie's abusive boyfriend Fisher and ends up in jail
3:17 is Darlene bailing him out, which is absolutely priceless.
7:30 is the "Hey honey, We're officially poor white trash!" dance
3:17 is Darlene bailing him out, which is absolutely priceless.
7:30 is the "Hey honey, We're officially poor white trash!" dance
8:29 is Jackie overwhelmed with conflicting emotions over Dan's actions. It's truly sweet.
Becky and Darlene ruin Roseanne's Mother's Day, and Dan punishes them for once.
The epic talk about masturbation with DJ. His reactions are so perfect.
The Halloween episodes were always the most memorable out of the late 80s-early 90s sitcoms, and the first one is just perfections. Why look for clips? The whole episode is gold and timeless.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
Modern Family,
The O.C.,
Veronica Mars
Friday, June 14, 2013
Fangirl Flashback: A spring night's journey to Penn Station
One of my favorite memories in NYC was on a warm yet breezy night in June 2004. I often think of that night around this time of year. It was one of those nights that couldn't be replicated if I tried. That's what I love about the city: you never quite know how exciting a simple night can become.
I made it a solo evening in the city. The brilliant actor Martin Moran was performing his one man show based on his brave memoir The Tricky Part.
It's excellent, and I highly recommend the read. I knew it would be one of those intimate shows that would make me want to be alone afterwards, so I didn't ask any friends if they wanted to come with me. I stayed for the question and answer session but remained quiet because I just wasn't ready to leave my seat. All I wanted to do was give the man a hug for being so exposed and honest, yet at peace. I didn't wait to say hi afterwards because I felt like anything I said would be ridiculous. Actually, I don't think I've ever said hi to him, not even after Cabaret. He's one of those few actors that leaves me tongue-tied.
I left the theatre and started making the unfamiliar trek back to Penn Station. I normally didn't go to see off-Broadway shows, so I usually never went beyond Lincoln Center. At least I knew to go south and that I would pass a few of the 1-2-3 subway stops along the way. This was the time of flip phones with no internet, therefore battery usage lasted longer.
The show let out early, so it was still pretty dusky outside. I was pondering just how far I would walk and if my shoes would hold out. The show was still running through my mind, so I was in no hurry. As I started making my way through the 60s, I looked up and saw a very familiar face coming towards me. He looked me up and down and smiled. And then I realized that I was just checked out in passing by Evan Handler, best known at the time as Harry Goldenblatt from Sex and the City.
I swear to it. I started laughing and called my mom.
One of my favorite things to do in the city was call my mom after a show. She was bedridden and couldn't get out to see shows with me, but she lived vicariously through me and my experiences. We listened to showtunes and watched as many clips as we could and giggled over actors. Naturally, I had to tell her what just happened. By that point, the dark sky was setting in and the buildings were lighting up. The breeze felt amazing, and the city was quiet yet bustling on that Monday night. I knew I had to walk the whole way to Penn. She was a little worried about me, as a mother does, but I reassured her that I was in probably one of the safest areas of the whole city and knew what I was doing.
We stayed chatting on the phone as I kept walking. I knew it made her feel better, and I also enjoyed having her "with" me on such a beautiful night. I made it past Columbus Circle, and it started getting a lot darker. I was passing 54th Street when two men made a right in front of me. I looked at the one on my right and almost fell down.
I made it a solo evening in the city. The brilliant actor Martin Moran was performing his one man show based on his brave memoir The Tricky Part.
It's excellent, and I highly recommend the read. I knew it would be one of those intimate shows that would make me want to be alone afterwards, so I didn't ask any friends if they wanted to come with me. I stayed for the question and answer session but remained quiet because I just wasn't ready to leave my seat. All I wanted to do was give the man a hug for being so exposed and honest, yet at peace. I didn't wait to say hi afterwards because I felt like anything I said would be ridiculous. Actually, I don't think I've ever said hi to him, not even after Cabaret. He's one of those few actors that leaves me tongue-tied.
I left the theatre and started making the unfamiliar trek back to Penn Station. I normally didn't go to see off-Broadway shows, so I usually never went beyond Lincoln Center. At least I knew to go south and that I would pass a few of the 1-2-3 subway stops along the way. This was the time of flip phones with no internet, therefore battery usage lasted longer.
The show let out early, so it was still pretty dusky outside. I was pondering just how far I would walk and if my shoes would hold out. The show was still running through my mind, so I was in no hurry. As I started making my way through the 60s, I looked up and saw a very familiar face coming towards me. He looked me up and down and smiled. And then I realized that I was just checked out in passing by Evan Handler, best known at the time as Harry Goldenblatt from Sex and the City.
I swear to it. I started laughing and called my mom.
One of my favorite things to do in the city was call my mom after a show. She was bedridden and couldn't get out to see shows with me, but she lived vicariously through me and my experiences. We listened to showtunes and watched as many clips as we could and giggled over actors. Naturally, I had to tell her what just happened. By that point, the dark sky was setting in and the buildings were lighting up. The breeze felt amazing, and the city was quiet yet bustling on that Monday night. I knew I had to walk the whole way to Penn. She was a little worried about me, as a mother does, but I reassured her that I was in probably one of the safest areas of the whole city and knew what I was doing.
We stayed chatting on the phone as I kept walking. I knew it made her feel better, and I also enjoyed having her "with" me on such a beautiful night. I made it past Columbus Circle, and it started getting a lot darker. I was passing 54th Street when two men made a right in front of me. I looked at the one on my right and almost fell down.
I'm not kidding, I cupped my mouth and started whispering in the phone "MOM OMG I THINK CHRISTOPHER WALKEN IS IN FRONT OF ME." I got a little closer to try and hear his vocal pattern, and yeah....yeah. He must have just come from seeing Assassins. I was so excited to be in the presence of such greatness, but I had to be as quiet as possible. They went in a different direction, and I practically danced through Times Square.
It was such a random night. It was such a random and beautiful Monday night in New York City. It's times like those that I wish I lived in closer proximity to have experiences like those more often. But hey, it makes the times I do go all the more special.
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